Bryan Krajeski | Behind the Scenes With a Recruiter: Utilizing Your Career Tools, Networking, Searching for a Job


If you know how recruiters work, you can better focus your job search efforts... which is exactly why we took a behind-the-scenes look at a recruiter's job during our conversation with Bryan Krajeski, a seasoned recruitment leader. Listen to Bryan's insights HERE!

A recruiter's primary focus is to understand the specific needs for each of their clients – the intricacies of a role, the planned responsibilities within a team, what drives an organization's culture, etc. Once a recruiter has done their deep-dive into the requirements for a role and a job description has been developed, they move on to sourcing talent. Often this entails utilizing LinkedIn or other resources, but as Bryan Krajeski emphasizes in this episode of Hiring Insights, he often draws on the network he has built.

At Top Talent Advocates, we speak with with our recruiting contacts across industries on a regular basis, striving to ensure that our clients are considered for their searches.



Thoughtful strategies behind crafting your professional tools is one of the best ways to support and optimize your job search. You need a job search strategy, but don’t forget about the other tools that will help you land the interview.

LinkedIn is no longer a negotiable, it’s a must-have. Your profile should be filled out completely. Have a professional photo, craft a headline that tells what you do and the value you bring, and use the 'About Me' section to tell your professional story with more detail than your resume.

“One of the worst things that I think a candidate can do is just have a very incomplete profile, because if you have someone who's going to have to make assumptions on, are you the right candidate or not?” Bryan told us.


We’ve looked at hundreds of resumes over the years and have seen photos, colored graphics, and oddly segmented formats. We echo exactly what Bryan looks for in a resume: a clean resume with easy-to-read formatting and proper use of white space. Utilize the STAR method (situation, task, action, result) to show your value, and as Bryan mentions, don’t forget the action you took to get those results.

Cover Letters

The great cover letter debate... do you need one? Always, YES. There are no guarantees it will get read, BUT it could be the deciding factor between yourself and another candidate getting the interview. Take the time to write a good one.


Beyond talking to recruiters, job seekers should be reaching out to their network, because if no one knows you are looking, how can they help you? Work to build a network that supports your career strategy.

As you climb your career ladder, the significance of networking amplifies. The higher the role, the more likely you are to have success by networking yourself into an opportunity. By proactively building relationships and engaging with decision-makers, you position yourself for success and your network becomes a strategic asset.

One of the things that we do with our clients when they have applied for jobs or have target companies in mind, is to help them find the right decision makers. People hire people. It allows them to personalize their approach, craft tailored communication, and direct their efforts toward those who possess the power to make hiring decisions.

At any level, when a candidate can reach out to someone directly, it’s a chance to showcase your passion, dedication, and personality that doesn’t come across in a resume.


Stay tuned for our next episode featuring Brian Davis of Major, Lindsey & Africa. As a seasoned and respected recruiter, Brian's perspective on the legal market, and particularly the needs of law firms, is certain to add value to our listeners.

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If you are thinking about a career move or want support on your executive branding and social media management, let's have a conversation. Leverage our network of recruiters, hiring managers, business leaders, and our personalized coaching to get noticed and carve your personalized path to success.

As always, thanks to Lindsay Hofbauer and our previous guests!