what is your personal brand?
Jeff Bezos said, “Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.”
In a market where everyone has an online presence, you can intentionally align images, stories, conversations, and connections to showcase your skills, leadership, and knowledge.
Do you want to…
Be known as a thought leader in your field?
We can help you develop a unique content strategy
Grow your network for future career opportunities?
We can help you build your LinkedIn profile
Generate leads to increase business and brand awareness?
We can help you utilize one of the most powerful, free career tools out there
If you’re not sure whether reverse recruiting can help you, explore some of our services below and contact us to get started on a custom strategy to build your brand.
If you are strategic about your network, and include those who could potentially hire you or refer you, and optimize your LinkedIn profile with content creation, you will start to develop name recognition. This unlocks potential opportunities down the road.
LinkedIn Profile Audit and Revision
LinkedIn is a tool to strategically build your network, connect with others, and showcase your personal thought leadership. We guide you through:
Keyword optimization
Design, layout, and tools
Making strategic connections
Provide written copy for LinkedIn profile revision
Content Design, Planning, and Posting
You’ve created a profile, you passively engage by reading and even liking other user's content, but you're still struggling to hit post? We give you the confidence to share your knowledge with:
One on one session to guide you through content creation, posting, engagement, and establishing your voice
Strategize a monthly content calendar with pre-loaded posts and prompts (3 posts/week)
Customized graphics
10 suggested networking connections/month
Strategy call with Mosah Fernandez Goodman, Executive Coach and Career Advocate for Top Talent Advocates
Bi-weekly check-ins
Time is a precious commodity and developing content can be consuming without an actionable plan. If you need to increase visibility and engagement, we can provide:
One-on-one sessions followed by a step-by-step guide to content creation, including a content planning calendar, and established methods to align subject matter.
LinkedIn posting etiquette and guidance on engaging your followers and increasing connections.
Customized graphics.
Weekly or monthly content calendar (2 posts/week).
Bi-weekly check-in.
30-minute phone call overhauling LinkedIn profile.
LinkedIn is an investment into your professional career. A 2021 social media CEO report found that 68% of Fortune 500 CEOs are now active on at least one social media platform. Of that 68%, 94% had a LinkedIn profile.
If you are curious how LinkedIn can benefit your career opportunities or business, an overview on how the algorithm works, how to create content and how to make strategic connections, we offer:
Manager Level
One-on-one session walking you through profile optimization (including how to create an attention-grabbing headline), posting etiquette tips, hashtags, groups, strategic engagement, where to start with content creation, establishing your audience, and showcasing your value.
Executive Level: Two strategic sessions
LinkedIn Audit: profile optimization, posting etiquette, algorithm overview, keyword optimization, and how to develop content to establish your thought leadership.
Utilizing engagement and connections: we will look at market research showing how other industry leaders in your sector are bringing value to the platform and dive into strategic engagement (where and how to look for strategic connections, contributing to group conversations).
*This is only a sample of what we offer, all packages are customizable to fit your needs.