Executive and Legal Hiring Search + Podcast Launch

Whether you are a job seeker, a people leader, a recruiter, an executive coach or simply interested in talent, there is something here for you within the Hiring Insights Newsletter and on our podcast, launching later this month!

Who We Are

The thrill of chasing and securing a new job started for me while in law school. I vividly remember walking to the post office on a blustery winter day with a stack of 612 summer job applications I had drafted during a self-imposed break from classes. That’s right, 612 resumes and unique cover letters during my first semester in law school! As I picked up a few of the applications that had fallen victim to a gush of wind outside of the post office, I remember thinking that this is an intense approach to pursuing a summer job, but hopefully one that would give me an edge to the start of my career.  It was that experience that sparked my interest in and passion for the job search process, and which ultimately led to my starting Top Talent Advocates.

During my various roles following graduate school, I heard countless stories from friends and colleagues about the difficulties they experienced in finding their next job or leadership role. Numerous people would tell me about their desire to find new and better positions, but struggled with the process of how to conduct a thorough and efficient search for their next role. I found myself helping to informally connect people to grow their networks, uncover job opportunities, and strategize about their compensation negotiations. My experience helping with these job searches, combined with my own job search experience, helped me identify an unmet need... the need for executives and attorneys to have an advocate during their job search. And thus, Top Talent Advocates was born.

As Top Talent Advocates has grown over the years, my work with executives and attorneys has allowed me to meet and learn from numerous leaders about the executive hiring process. Many of those insights and experiences will be shared through this newsletter and through the observations of my guests on the Hiring Insights Podcast (launching this month!). I love helping executives and attorneys secure new and better professional opportunities that enhance their job satisfaction and compensation. On average, our clients see an 18% increase in their total compensation because prior to our services, they didn't maximize their worth.

Our Services

Resume writingsocial media optimizationcareer planning, and compensation analysis services are open to clients of all experience levels, including recent graduates looking to launch their career.

For the executive leader or attorney looking for a full-service overhaul, our advocacy and coaching services are unique to the market. We focus on advocating for our clients throughout the entire search and placement process. Our services don't end at the interview stage. We assist clients in achieving better compensation and benefits packages once offers start coming in and stay by their side, focusing on their long-term goals. You can hear what our satisfied clients have said about working with us here.

Our Network

In order to introduce our executive talent to the unpublished job market, we partner with recruiters and hiring managers nationwide, allowing them to leverage our "Ready To Hire" talent pool. This expedites a candidate’s search and helps our partners achieve their goals.

We have had the honor to work with Top Talent who work in LegalMarketingHuman ResourcesFinanceAccountingBusiness DevelopmentSalesITRiskInsurance  and Operations across numerous industries and sectors. Revamping resumes, building professional brands, and fully advocating and coaching individuals to their next opportunity is our passion.

Our Podcast Launch

I am excited to announce the launch of the Hiring Insights Podcast later this month. I invite you to listen as we explore the corporate and law firm worlds where executives, attorneys, recruiters, executive coaches, and talented candidates meet. In each episode, listeners will hear from a variety of thought leaders who share insights into the hiring process for executives and attorneys. We will also support a different nonprofit on each episode.

I am honored to interview Bill George, for the first episode of the Hiring Insights Podcast. Mr. George is the former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Medtronic. He has served on the boards of Goldman Sachs, ExxonMobil, Novartis, Target Corporation, and the World Economic Forum USA. He was named one of the “Top 25 Business Leaders of the Past 25 Years” by PBS; “Executive of the Year-2001” by the Academy of Management; and “Director of the Year-2001-02” by the National Association of Corporate Directors. Bill is a CNBC Contributor and makes frequent appearances on television and radio. On our podcast, Bill will discuss how to pursue executive positions, board roles, and what to look for when hiring executives.

Stay tuned for more details on the launch of the Hiring Insights Podcast! You can find more information about Top Talent Advocates on our website here, by following us on our LinkedIn page here, or by emailing us at TTA@TopTalentAdvocates.com.